Abby Willegal and Eden Messerli during rabbit showmanship.
Anna Mages explains pig care to the judge.
The Blazin’ West Stars club banner.
Bethany Wendinger during the Cloverbud Beef show.
Brennir Peterson during the beef show.
Carson Wendinger talks with the judge about his crop project.
Faith Lagerwall with her container garden project.
Gretta Svingen relaxes in the barn with her heifer.
Julia Majeski, Brielle Peterson and Delaney Prochniak following the cloverbud poultry show.
Landon Lagerwall and Lewis Hahn with their poultry.
Lane Olson with his beef animal.
Lauren Schafer talks to the judge about her woodworking project.
Mady Steele displays her painting.
Martin Mages shows off the farm scene he created with his brother Adam.
Mary Niebuhr explains her infinity table to the judge.
Mason Olson during the sheep show.
Oaklynn Jaus talks to the judge about her cloverbud project.
Olivia Majeski with her spring calf.
Axel and Chas Seivert with their sheep.
Taylor Schafer with her begonia basket.
The Blazin' West Stars had a great 2024 Sibley County Fair! Watch future editions for official results.
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