From the front page of the Standard-Gazette & Messenger are snapshots from Memorial Day (clockwise): Fairfax, Morgan, Franklin, and Gibbon.
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines zeal as “implies energetic and unflagging pursuit of an aim or devotion to a cause” and
The roll call at the Monday, May 13 regular meeting of the Franklin City Council held a few changes as Wes Lund was absent an
It’s with bittersweet joy that each young lady shared her plans upon the conclusion of her 2023-2024 Fairfax Royalty reign.
Four students Trinity Buboltz, Yzaelyah Rendon, Adeline Albrecht, and Kenny Duncan, in the Life Skills class with Anita Weir,
Each year a week is dedicated to celebrating nursing homes or skilled nursing care facilities across the nation and the 2024
The Morgan City Council met on Wednesday, May 8 for their regular monthly meeting. All council members attended.
Recently, the administrative team at Gil-Mor Manor Nursing Home were forced to take down a large tree in their courtyard for
Standard-Gazette & Messenger